I book my campsite online

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Camping Abijune
Details of your reservation
Mobil-home Duo 1 chambre
Mobil-home Duo 1 chambre
2 Included persons / 2 Maximum persons
2 impasse Dom Fillastre, 76790 Le Tilleul
Check-in date : 05/04/2025

Check-out date : 12/04/2025
Amount overview : 259,00 €
  • Stay amount234,00 €
  • Booking fees25,00 €
  • Features & Options0,00 €
  • Packaged offers0,00 €
  • Cancellation insurance0,00 €
  • Total amount259,00 €
  • Deposit259,00 €
  • Balance due0,00 €
Enter your options
More Options
Price per unit
Vaccinated animal (on lead)
35,00 €
Baby Kit
30,00 €
Sheets hire double bed
15,00 €
Kit towels
15,00 €
Final clean up
90,00 €
General terms and conditions
Read the general terms and conditions
General Terms and Conditions of Sale

1 – When booking your stay

When reserving your stay, you must pay a 25% deposit of total stay amount to cover the rentals and non-refundable processing fees.

On receipt of the deposit, the campsite will send you a reservation confirmation. The reservation will have your name on it and is personal to you; it cannot be assigned to someone else or sublet. Any change to the file or reservation must be made IN WRITING. The balance must be paid 30 days before your arrival.

Any subsequent change in the applicable VAT rate between the time the rates were determined and the invoicing for your stay will result in a corresponding change to the final price (including all taxes).

2 – Our tariffs include

Access to the pool, water consumption, electricity (except for camping, caravaning and monthly rentals), the necessary equipment for the number of people in the chalets and mobile homes (excluding additional people), 1 vehicle per rental spot and access to non-paying activities.

Please note: at the beginning and end of the season, the pool may be closed.

3 – Our tariffs do not include

Supplementary cars, supplementary tents, supplementary people, animals, day visitors, nor a cancellation and processing fee guarantee. Household linen and a baby kit can be rented on site.

The end-of-stay cleaning for the chalets, mobile homes, and cottages that must be left in a good condition (cleaned, dishes washed, and blankets folded etc.) otherwise a cleaning fee of €60 will be invoiced.

The deposit of €200 for mobile homes and chalets, which will be requested on arrival and returned on the on the day you check out with any necessary deductions for repairs and replacements.

The cleaning deposit of €60, which will be charged on arrival and returned on the day you check out with any necessary deductions for cleaning costs.

4 –After-Sales Service

We cannot be held responsible for fortuitous events, force majeure, weather events, or legal decisions that disrupt, interrupt or prevent your stay or the entertainment. In the event of a problem in the rented chalet or cottages, you must make a complaint ON SITE within 24 hours (in particular on the inventory, the schedule of fixtures, and the cleaning for the chalet or cottage). After this period, no claim will be considered and you will be held liable for any damage or missing items.

Any other claim on a stay must be sent to us by registered mail within 10 days of the end your checking out. We will then process your claim within 2 months of receiving your letter.

5 – Arrivals and departures
Rentals are available from 16.00 until 19.00. Check out is done before 10.00. The tent spots are available from 14.00 and must be vacated before 12.00. For an early check in or check out, you must notify the camp site.

6 – Cancellation guarantee

This guarantee is optional and is in addition to the rental price. It can be paid at the same time as the deposit. It has been set at € …. for stays of 7 nights and +// € for short stays (from 2 to 6 nights). If you take out this cover, you are insured for: reimbursement of the sums paid, excluding administrative costs and cancellation cover. You are also insured for reimbursement on a prorata basis for the planed rental, excluding administration costs, cancellation cover and cleaning costs, if you have to leave your rented accommodation before the planned check out date. The cover only applies if for the following causes: death of the insured person, an illness affecting the insured person that was not known when the rental contract was signed or an accident occurring after the reservation was made.

The death, illness or accident might affect, under the same conditions, the spouse of the insured person, the people named on the rental contract, or their close relatives. The insurance was applies in the case of an administrative, judicial, military or court-appointed sitting notice. It may also be used due to a dismissal, a job transfer for the insured person or their spouse or due to the bankruptcy of the company managed by the insured person. In case of illness or accident, for the guarantee to be effective it must be justified with a medical document.

7 – Cancellation of stay
It is IMPERATIVE that any cancellation be made in writing to the person responsible for your stay. To benefit from the cancellation guarantee, you must inform the campsite of the reason for the cancellation, before MIDNIGHT, on the scheduled day of arrival. You have a period of 5 days, from the date of cancellation, to send us the supporting documentation (medical certificate, death certificate) by registered post.

8- Inventory – schedule of fixtures

(only for rental accommodation)

Upon arrival, the inventory and schedule of fixtures will be checked by the tenant. No claims will be considered after 20.00 on the day of arrival. On checking out, the inventory will be done by us in the presence of the tenant on the day of departure between 8.00 and 10.00 (it is necessary to make an appointment at least 48 hours in advance). For any check out before 8.00, the deposit will be sent to the tenant by post, subject to any deductions for damage or additional cleaning, within 7 days following the inventory conducted by us.

9 – Internal regulations

The campsite has rules and regulations displayed at the reception area. As a client of the campsite, you are required to follow them. Pets are accepted on the campsite and in rental accommodation. Only 1 animal is allowed per accommodation at any time and the vaccination book of the animal may be requested at any time.

No installation (tent), vehicle or additional person is accepted on the rental locations without permission from the campsite. For safety and insurance reasons, the number of occupants cannot exceed the capacity provided for in each type of accommodation (including newborns).

Around the pool, it is mandatory to wear a bathing slip (swim shorts are banned). Any additional electrical equipment must be approved before arrival by the campsite manager. The same conditions also apply to the insured person's spouse, the people named on the rental contract, and their close relatives.
Le client doit vérifier auprès de son assurance, qu'il dispose d'une extension villégiature dans le cadre de son contrat d'assurance Habitation et de ses conditions de garantie. Si tel n'était pas le cas, le locataire est tenu de s'assurer contre les risques inhérents à son occupation. A savoir : vol, perte, dégradation d'effets personnels (valises, objets, mobiliers, valeurs, véhicules, vélos…) il doit également s'assurer pour les dégradations qu'il pourrait causer dans l'hébergement donné en location ou dans le camping, de son fait ou de ses accompagnants. Les clients devront justifier de leur assurance à la première réquisition. Dans le cadre de la location ou de prêt de vélos, les clients sont tenus de s'assurer contre le vol, perte ou dégradation.

10- Rental insurance
The customer must check with their own insurance policy that they have an extension for holiday rentals as part of their Home insurance policy. They must also check the conditions of said cover. If this is not the case, the tenant is required to insure themselves against the risks inherent to their stay. This includes theft, loss, and damage to personal property (suitcases, objects, furniture, valuables, vehicles, bicycles, etc.). They must also insure themselves against any damage that they may cause in the rented accommodation or on the campsite, either because of their own actions or because of the actions of those accompanying the tenant. Customers must provide evidence of their insurance at the first request. For the rental or loan of bicycles, customers are required to insure themselves against theft, loss or damage.

11- Description of the services

The general information indicated in the brochure and on the website (equipment, entertainment, local services, etc.) is given by the campsite for information purposes only and cannot be considered contractual since it may be modified during the season (for example by municipal decision). The campsite guarantees the authenticity of the information and its character, ensuring it is neither misleading nor dishonest. Photos are merely intended to be used for illustrative purposes and are not contractual. It goes without saying that customers will be informed of any changes.