Visiting Île d'Oléron

Discover the most beautiful spots
Chassiron lighthouse
Chassiron lighthouse is an absolute must-see when you’re staying on île d'Oléron. It’s been labelled monument historique i.e. national heritage site since 2012 and it guarantees a fresh stroll and breathtaking view over pertuis d'Antioche. Thousands of tourists climb the lighthouse’s 224 steps every year to admire the panoramic view over the Atlantic Ocean, Fort Boyard and wind rose-shaped garden. Chassiron lighthouse is 46 meters high and has been guiding sailors for over 150 years now. Crazannes’s stones – a quarry in Charente-Maritime – were used to build it. They were also used for Cologne’s cathedral in Germany and the Statue of Liberty’s base. See and learn about all this in Saint-Denis-d'Oléron, far North of the island i.e. « the end of the world » as it is called here.
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Port de la Cotinière – authentic fishing village
La Cotinière is a lovely fishing village on the western part of Oléron island. You’ll love strolling and discovering its white and red lighthouse, seafood restaurants and multi-coloured trawlers in the harbour.
1st traditional fishing harbour in Charente-Maritime.
La Cotinière harbour’s flotilla has 100 fishing boats. Trawlers and all sorts of traditional fishing boats, jewel of the local economy that sail on a daily basis during 1 to 3 entire days, depending on the tide. What do they bring back you ask? Shrimps, prawns, sea basses, crabs, lobsters, langoustines.
Cry selling fish
There’s a short distance between the trawlers and the markets. The fish is sold at La Cotinière harbour right when the boats are back. This means these tremendously fresh products are also available on the island’s restaurant’s menus. It is possible to go on a guided tour of the fish market – please contact the tourist office.
Read the magazine created and published by Association Oléronaise de l'Hôtellerie de Plein Air (Oleron’s camping association) and plan your vacation ahead thanks to useful information, tips and offers!
Île d'Oléron’s welcome booklet

Château d'Oléron’s citadel
Cardinal de Richelieu ordered the citadel’s building in 1630 to replace an old medieval castle destroyed during the French wars of religion. It was strengthened and finished by Vauban at the end of the XVIIth century. Access is free but guided tours are organized in July and August.
Fort Louvois – between the continent and the island
A horseshoe-shaped fort ordered by Monsieur de Louvois and built by Vauban in 1691 on rock du Chapus. It is located right after the bridge. Its cannons, along with those of Château d'Oléron’s citadel in front, were supposed to prevent the English from entering and protect Rochefort’s royal arsenal. You can access it by foot when the tide is low or by boat and visit it on your own or with a guide.
More information on the « isle of light » at Île d’Oléron’s museum in Saint-Pierre – open all year.