Specialties of Île d'Oléron

Taste the great products of Oléron
Vacationing on Île d'Oléron goes along with great food. Oysters, pineau des Charentes, galette charentaise with salted butter: the island's specialties are a treat whatever the season. Be a smart buyer and spot the products with a "Marennes-Oléron Produits Saveurs" label or sticker – it guarantees you're purchasing a great local product.
Marennes-Oléron oysters
You simply cannot go camping on Oléron without tasting Pousse en Claire oyster! Marennes-Oléron oysters are famous for their unique quality – it is high quality sea food for gourmets. You'll recognize it thanks to its green colour and lightly salted taste. The most important oyster farms spot in Europe, Marennes-Oléron sells 45 to 60,000 tons of oysters per year.
Oléron wine, Cognac and Pineau des Charentes*
Wine amateur campers will find the perfect vacationing spot in Oléron. The island has always had a winemaking tradition, it now counts no less than 700 sqm of vineyards. Oleron's independent winemakers will give you good advice and allow you to taste their products when you visit their estate in the small towns of the island's Northern part. Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron' wine growing cooperative sells Pineau des Charentes, Cognac and estate wines with a "vin de pays charentais - île d'Oléron"* label, that are perfect for the aperitif or seafood.
Naufrageurs' beer*
Jean-Luc Metayer has been manufacturing a product that’s been making Oléron's fame since 1995 – Naufrageurs' beer. The brewery near Saint-Georges d'Oléron also sells flavoured craft beers. Vanilla, salt, gin, liquorice, cherry – taste these new flavours during your camping holidays on Île d'Oléron.
*Please drink responsibly

Ile d'Oléron's salt
Going camping on île d'Oléron also means marvelling at the sight of salt marshes. Discover Île d'Oléron's “white gold” at Grand-Village-Plage, visit the salt museum to learn more about its history and the salt workers' tasks. It'll also be a great opportunity for a cruise in the marshes – quality family time!
La Cotinière's sea food
You simply cannot miss la Cotinière's fish-market in Saint-Pierre-d'Oléron ! When the trawlers return with their catch, you can eat it on location or back at the campsite. Super fresh fish – soles, wedge soles, basses, lobsters, shrimps, prawns – taste fantastic grilled or even for a barbecue.
MOPS : a 100% “made in Oléron” label
The "Marennes-Oléron Produits Saveurs" (or « MOPS ») label guarantees you're buying or eating products from Oléron. It gathers many local growers: market gardeners, oyster farmers, “regular” farmers, cheese mongers, wine makers etc. Find their products on all the farmers markets of Oléron.
More information on www.saveursmarennesoleron.com